Íslenskir vitar og ferðamenn |
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Íslenskir vitar og ferðamenn er samantekt frá 2005, gerð fyrir Siglingastofnun Íslands og Húsafriðunarnefnd ríkisins. Höfundur er Rögnvaldur Guðmundsson hjá Rannsóknum og ráðgjöf ferðaþjónustunnar ehf. Er hér um að ræða greinargerð sem byggir á niðurstöðum úr tveimur könnunum, þar sem annars vegar var grafist fyrir um áhuga Íslendinga á vitum og höfnum, hins vegar um hvort erlendir ferðamenn hefðu gert sér ferð til að skoða íslenska vita á meðan á dvöl þeirra stóð. Í helstu niðurstöðum kemur m.a. fram að meirihluti aðspurðra Íslendinga hefur áhuga á vitum og höfnum, en einungis um 20% aðspurðra erlendra ferðamanna höfðu skoðað íslenskan vita í ferð sinni.
Íslenskir vitar og ferðamenn
A report on the preservation worthiness of Light Houses and proposals for conservation |
Gudmundur L. Hafsteinsson worked for the National Architectural Heritage Board, 27 June 2003 and made recommendations on conservation of Lighthouses. Compliance over the architectural Lighthouse structures since 1878 to 1992 and the methodology of 'values' that can be used to evaluate preservation worthiness of house and what solutions should selected when it comes to maintenance and repair. Methodology applies among other things, to its usefulness, accessibility, environmental relative values, more obscure historical and cultural value to name just a few. Finally, the proposals made by knowing which fall under the provisions of the Building. You can also find a list of preservation worthiness know here.
Greinargerð um varðveislumat vita og tillögur um friðun |
Lighthouses - accessibility, environment, recreation |
Valdimar Hardarson worte his bachelor thesis in 2004 at Agricultural University at Hvanneyri and includes a discussion for public access to Lighthouses and coast for outdoor activities, changes in the operation of lighthouses and interest in these structures. Therefore he consider whether its important to ensure public access to Lighthouses, which are actually owned public. The results include an emphasis on the need for preservation program, taking into account public access to Lighthouses around the country.
Vitar - Aðgengi, umhverfi, útivist |
Lighthouses as part of the Icelandic coastal culture |
Magnus Skulason of the National Committee on Architectural Heritage Fund. Here are photos and drawings of the information in Iceland from the book Lighthouses in Iceland. Lecture held at the Conference on Coastal Culture Heritage of Iceland, its status and future of the Radisson SAS Hotel Saga on 5 October 2007. The conference were held by Icelandic Lighthouse company, Tourist, Tourism Icelandic Maritime Administration, National Museum, National .Architectural Heritage Board, Archaeological Heritage Agency and the Federation of Icelandic Maritime Museum.
Vitar sem hluti íslenskrar strandmenningar