Musical request for Fishermen |

The CD musical request for fishermen contains 40 classic songs about fishermen and seamen. The songs are from 1935 to present day. Most of the songs are classics and performed by individuals who previously enjoyed great popularity. Many of the musical numbers have not previously been released on CD. Playlist of the disk can be seen by clicking on the link below with there original Icelandic titles.
Óskalög sjómanna - Lagalisti |
Icelandic fishermen, we are |

Icelandic fishermenwe are is 60 music tune disce from Sena popular with fishermen tunes. Here you can find fishermans tunes that are considered classics in new restored versions of the tunes Among the performers are: KK and Maggi, William Vilhjálmsson, Björnsson, Mr Brown, Björgvin Halldórsson, Thorvald Halldórsson, Hjaltalín, Bubbi Morthens, Monks, Brunaliðið, Paparnir, Skinless and boneless, Brimkló, Runar Gunnarsson and Gylfi Ægisson. Responsible for the publication had Höskuldur Thor Höskuldsson. Playlist of naming can be seen by clicking on the link below.
Sjómenn Íslenskir við erum - Lagalisti |
Dream of the bold man. From fishermen to law guano rock |
 Rósa Margrét Húnadóttir wrote a BA thesis in 2007, as discussed fishermen songs within a certain tradition popculture. The first chapter is dedicated to the episode vacation watch which was an song request program óskalag for fishermen. She discuss the impact of the program on songwriting and musical cration, the purpose and reception of the program. The second section deals with the songs and the lyrics and the environment that inspire them, having regard to the changes that have occurred in the fishing. In the seventies major changes occurred in coverage of seamen's music and they are summarized in the third and last chapter. The section called from satellite romance to guanrock and the title refers to the simulation romance that was prevalent in the Seamen's music of the seventies and the changes that took place with guanrock by Bubbi Morthens. The chapter also takes on songwriting efforts by Gylfi Ægisson to highlight the contrasts that could be found within the tradition and the settlement of it.
Draumur hins djarfa manns. Frá sjómannalögum til gúanó rokks