Allt frá landnámi hafa fiskveiðar verið mikilvægasta atvinnugrein þjóðarinnar og fyrr á öldum sóttu erlendar þjóðir stíft á miðin kringum Ísland. Baskar stunduðu hér hvalveiðar, Frakkar voru hér langdvölum og Norðmenn reistu hér bæði hvalstöðvar og síldarverksmiður, auk þess að stunda hér línuveiðar. Ísland var miðstöð hval- og síldveiða og erlendir sjó- og kaupsýslumenn settu sín spor í íslenska menningu, tækniframfarir og atvinnuhætti. Víða um land er að finna minjar um horfna tíð, spor í söguna sem eru verðmæti á heimsmælikvarða.
Tækniframfarir hafa verið miklar, frá útgerð á litlum árabátum til verksmiðjutogara og vinnsla í landi hefur sömuleiðis tekið miklum stakkaskiptum. Þekkingin hefur breyst sem og mannlífið og menningin.
Finding fish: the tactics of Icelandic skippers |
Gísli Pálsson and E.Paul Durrenberger discuss how a fishing skipper must not only locate his vessel in an environment that often has no reliable visual clues, but attempt to capture prey which is invisible and moves in a different medium. The tactics of fishing - the day-to-day activities of locating gear and timing trips have received relatively little attention and there are major problems with most accounts of shipper behavious and fishing tactics. It is argued that that information available to skippers and knowledge and theories they have developed can often lead them to several different conclusions. Therefore they follow hunches and other processes of decision making.
Finding fish: the tactics of Icelandic skippers . |
Anthropologist Gísli Pálsson writes in 1989 about the art of fishing, focusing on the place of fishing societies in anthropological though, some early evolutionary schemes in which fishing occupies a significant position, and recent attempts to define the properties of fishing adaptations. He argues that many approaches to fishing emphasise material context and ecological relations and that such an approach suggests a ´natural´ model of production which depicts the individual as an autonomous isolate engaged in the technical act of fishing.
The Art of Fishing |
Final Report to the Student Innovation Fund, writen by Ómar Þorgeirssyni in 2004, under the supervision of Guðni Halldórsson and Óli Haldórrson. This is a first step to in the work of creating the Þingeyska story database which Museum Building of Húsavik operates its possible to monitor the progress of the project at the Museum Building website website. The goal is to collect information on known fishing grounds along the coast Þingeyjarsýsla. Interesting report and important information well, and part of the preservation of knowledge and coastal culture.
Fiskimið á Skjálfanda: Liður í þingeyskum sögugrunni |
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