Allt frá landnámi hafa fiskveiðar verið mikilvægasta atvinnugrein þjóðarinnar og fyrr á öldum sóttu erlendar þjóðir stíft á miðin kringum Ísland. Baskar stunduðu hér hvalveiðar, Frakkar voru hér langdvölum og Norðmenn reistu hér bæði hvalstöðvar og síldarverksmiður, auk þess að stunda hér línuveiðar. Ísland var miðstöð hval- og síldveiða og erlendir sjó- og kaupsýslumenn settu sín spor í íslenska menningu, tækniframfarir og atvinnuhætti. Víða um land er að finna minjar um horfna tíð, spor í söguna sem eru verðmæti á heimsmælikvarða.
Tækniframfarir hafa verið miklar, frá útgerð á litlum árabátum til verksmiðjutogara og vinnsla í landi hefur sömuleiðis tekið miklum stakkaskiptum. Þekkingin hefur breyst sem og mannlífið og menningin.
Kort af fengsælum fiskimiðum Eyjasjómanna |
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Í blaðinu Bliki árið 1969 birtist kort af fiskimiðum Eyjasjómanna. Miðin eru staðsett eftir miðakorti miðaglöggs skipstjóra í Vestmannaeyjum. Til að skoða kortið, þarf að smella á tengilinn hér að neðan.
Kort af fengsælum fiskimiðum Eyjasjómanna |
Cod-nets, boats and men. A study of winter- season fishing on the southwest coast of Iceland. |
Pétur Kristjánsson, in his essay from the year 1985, discusses how "some people associate Iceland with fish and some fish associate Iceland with people. In Iceland anyhow, these two animals meet quite frequently, especially during the winter season". The essay is about the people that partake in the actual fishing during the winter season, - the crews of the boats. Pétur's aim is to give a descriptive account of the technique used in the cod-net fishing, the organisation of work on board and the crew's social system.
Cod-nets, boats and men. A study of winter-season fishing on the southwest coast of Iceland |
Beautiful, beautiful fish in the sea. Ideas about trade aflakvóta |
Here is an MA thesis by Odin Gunnar Óðinssonar from 1997 on the ideas about trade aflakvóta and its twofolded subject. On the one hand, to show how Icelanders spoke into the quota system in fisheries and how the changes that followed included in discussions on trade in fishing quotas. On the other hand attempt to shed light on the process of change that is closely linked to historical and social factors. This process is not only the form or the technical implementation of fisheries management in Iceland or the ecological and economic factors important institutions of society have to talk about fishing in, it's no less of epistemic change, experience, morality and authority to formulate rules.
Fagur, fagur fiskur í sjó. Hugmyndir Íslendinga um viðskipti með aflakvóta bls. (1-49) (50-99) (100-149) (150-199) (200-219) |
Trawlers in Reykjavík 1920-1931 |
Bjarni Guðmarsson discusses in his essay of 1985, about trawlers in Reykjavik from the year 1,920 to 1931, explores and traces how the private business would do in the trawlers industry and attempt to answer what were the main causes of the great boom in the trawling industry in Reykjavik in the early Twenties . He speculates on whether the trend has been wholly beneficial and how the fishing industry adapt to the difficulties which it has faced in that period. He also asks if it would have been necessary to monitor directly and interference with fishing industry derives earlier. A discussion of the about the situation of trawlers industry's fleet operating in Reykjavik during the dozen shifts dozens of times and how it was prepared for crisis.
Togaraútgerð í Reykjavík 1920-1931 (bls. 1-51)
Togaraútgerð í Reykjavík 1920-1931 (bls. 52-102) |
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