Liver Melting Association of Nordfjordur |
Remembrances from Ingvar Pálmason member of Parliment as he recalls the how liver was melted in Norðfjörður in the year of 1900. It says among other things, "While shark hunting were conducted in both low whater fall and by going to 'shark puts' with the shark fishingline, most ship owners owned melting pots and melted all their shark liver themselves. These pots were so big that they took 2-3 adjusts barrels.
The other method used to process the action of the so-called or self raw fish oirl or flowed oil. " Courtesy of Ingvar Níelsson, grandchildren of Ingvar Pálmarssonar, member of Parliment.
Fishmeal factories in Westman Islands |
First fishmeal factory in Westman Island was built in 1912 by the British. Intermediary was a man of Gisli J. Johnsen consular , who came in contact with an English company in Grimsby, which produced fish meal in large quantities. The factory was built by Gisli in law, but the Grimsby company actually built the house and put in all the machines. This British company was had a strong chain fishmeal factories all over England and had a high production capital. Halldor Magnusson tells the story of the fish meal factories in the Westman island in the newspaper Blink from 1972.
Fiskimjölsverksmiðjan í Vestmannaeyjum |
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Frásögnin af Vesturhúsafeðgum er saga af brauðstriti og fátækt við sjávarsíðuna á nitjándu öld, en einnig af tilurð Ísfélags Vestmannaeyja. Sagan er skráð af Þorsteini V. Víglundssyni og birtist hún í blaðinu Bliki árið 1969.
Vesturhúsfeðgarnir |
Memoir of Magnus from Western Houses |
Magnus Gudmundsson, farmer and chairman of the West Exchange, wrote a memor from his childhood, and the childhood upbringing in western houses, and memories from his seafaring and fishing, activities at sea and on mainland. Below are extracts from his memor as well as chapters from the history of Westmann Islands, as far back as possible. Thorstein V. Víglundsson wrote the sub-headlines and dvided the wrtings of Magnus Gudmundsson into chapters. These memoirs were published in the magazine Blink in 1969
Endurminningar Magnúsar Guðmundssonar - Fyrsti og annar hluti
Endurminningar Magnúsar Guðmundssonar - Þriðji hluti
Endurminningar Magnúsar Guðmundssonar - Fjórði hluti
Endurminningar Magnúsar Guðmundssonar - Fimmti hluti |
Saga Ísfélags Vestmannaeyja |
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Í lok nítjándu aldar flúðu margir Íslendingar land sitt og fluttu vestur um haf til þess að leita sér gæfu og gengis eftir stríð við harðindi og sultarhörmungar á Íslandi. Á meðal þeirra voru Jóhannes Guðmundsson Nordal og Ísak Jónsson sem komu til baka fullir vissu um að „hver, sem kunni hversdagstök á náttúrunni, gæti léttar lífsins starfa lokið og til meiri þarfa", eins og Stefán G. segir í kvæði sínu um Jón hrak. Þorsteinn Þ. Víglundsson birti sögu Ísfélags Vestmannaeyja í nokkrum hlutum í blaðinu Bliki árið 1960 - 1962. Nú má lesa kaflana um Ísfélag Vestmannaeyja með því að smella á Nánar hér að neðan.
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